About Us
Learn about our herstory.
Find out about the roots of the Women's Mid-Life Health Program, as well as our vision and mission for bettering women's health in Saskatchewan.
In September of 2011 the Women's Mid-Life Health Program received status under the Saskatoon Health Region (Now the Sask. Health Authority). This has provided an expansion of the referral clinic and support program to help a larger number of women create dedicated health plans to achieve their own better health at mid-life and beyond.
The program team includes 4 physicians, a nurse, a Medical Office Assistant and access to a number of other health care practitioners for specific care and support needs.
Our program is committed to providing:
- Education, information, assessment, diagnosis and treatment for women who have been reffered by their family doctor, nurse practitioner or naturopathic medicine doctor
- Community education and information about menopause (peri and post) through free public forums and at your workplace
- Information and learning opportunities for clinicians and students of other health-related areas
- Participation in research
- Collaboration with other health care-giving agencies
- Collaboration and information-sharing with other national and international menopause clinics
- Commitment to maintaining the most current research-based knowledge about women's health
The "Herstory" of Women's Mid-Life Health Program
By Dr. Vicki Holmes
In January 2001 Dr. Olatunbosun (Dept. Head of ObGyn) asked me to join a committee to form a menopause centre, the second most important goal set by that department. Other committee members were: Dr. W. Olszynski, (Rheum & Osteo); Dr. Allison Case (ObGyn Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility); Dr. Shannon Neubauer (Clinical Pharmacologist); Dr. Karen Wright, (Educational Psychologist); Dr. Shawn Davidson (research scientist who wrote Canada’s first clinical guidelines for treating osteoporosis); Dr. Terri Bree (Cardiologist); Sarah Nixon-Jackle (RN & Public Health Nurse for Older Adult Wellness); & Betty Boechler (Admin). We developed plans for a multidisciplinary clinic, but the hospital administration advised they would not fund it.
As this was such an important need, we found ways to proceed. St. Paul’s provided Ambulatory Care rooms. We rented office space in the old nurses’ residence. Three Pharmaceutical companies provided $5000 each for three years. Linda Ponath became our RN. To encourage Family Physicians to participate, we made it referral based, although they had some resistance to having us see their patients. As we saw so many women who desperately needed our help, we were determined to do it!
We were very frugal in obtaining our equipment, accepting donations of furniture & carpet, and my son & his friends painted the office. Opening day in Feb, 2002, we realized how essential this service was, hearing so many women’s stories of suffering, encouraging us to continue.
2003 was amazing. We added many aspects to educate women on health issues & solutions. Our resource committee (Judy Ostrander, Rhonda Anderson, Jackie Bradley, Ann Craggs, Mavis McPhee, Heather Bacon, Leona Neu & Linda Millard) helped develop education tools, plan public forums, create and distribute our newsletter “Hot Flashes” (1st edition October 2003), create our website www.menopausecentre.org & run our annual art auction.
In 2004 Dani Van Driel became our Executive Director, establishing a Board, acquiring our charitable organization status, increasing our community awareness and coordinating our annual art auctions and public forums. Sarah Nixon-Jackle RN was hired in 2005, bringing her vast experience & knowledge. We held two major Public Forums annually, speaking to women’s significant midlife issues, with 200-400 attendees & sometimes many more. The Heart & Stroke Foundation, Osteoporosis Society & other organizations helped us raise awareness of our collective services. Sarah ran “Hot and Bothered”, a smaller discussion forum with experts from various health fields & physical fitness, providing exercise and fitness to women to cope with menopausal symptoms. Sarah and I presented to many professional groups and to the public in various locations all over the province.
I joined Saskatoon City Hospital’s Outpatient Services planning committee and finally, after 10 years, we became part of the Health Region, as a “Program” rather than a “Centre”. We provided educational experiences to nurses, Family Medicine & Gynecology residents, Masters in Public Health & Epidemiology students. We became members of the North American Menopause Society and attended conferences. The Canadian Menopause Society was formed & I sat on their Board.
Several gifted doctors – Shveta Seryavanshi, Donna Chizen, Sandra Wegner, & currently Renee Morissette, Angela Baerwald and Tracey Guselle – have helped us provide this essential care to women. We exist thanks to many women and some men on our board, resource committee, art auction committee & the artists who donated their work, and many other organizations & experts who contributed to the many educational forums to our community.